Odisha Nishtha 2.0 Module 5 Activity 5: Role of peers- Share Your Thoughts


Think back to your teenage years when you tried things your friends deemed cool, like stealing money, taking drugs, or smoking. How did you react to the situation?  What were your thoughts, feelings and strategies?  Share Your Thoughts.


  1. परिवार के संस्कार को ध्यान मैं रखकर बुरी अदोतो से दूर रहते थे ।एक वक्त इससे दूर होने केलिए प्रेरित करते थे।यह सब सामाजिक भय के कारण था ।

  2. I have seen some of my classmates who were careless in our teachers class mostly in math class which was considered nasty activities. At that time, we were taught to be good enough or expected to be disciplined enough for the class. So I think that was the worst kind of act from a student at the time of delivery of a lesson. We are good enough to act right and avoid the negative effects of others participation.

  3. Group dynamics is an important factor for all these types of behaviour/activities. Hence, parents should develop rapport & confidence of children, so as to collect information & guide them properly.

  4. I have faint recollections about my childhood when we committed a lot of mistakes. Every year during holiday we visited various melan spots( fair) walking through fields at night. During the journey some friends older than me smoke d bidi and offered me to have a taste not to drowze n feel spirited. Being tempted I smoked. And next moment I remembered my father who was very strict about bad habits. He would shower palm fruits on my back in case he knew my mistake. So I promised not to repeat smoking. However in college career in became a chain smoker. ( Pradeep Das, Angul)

  5. I saw some friends neglecting math classes. They were afraid of punishment. But I was also not good at Mathematics. One day I did not attend Math Class in fear of punishment as I had not done my home work. But the teacher inquired in the class and the following classes I was not punished . I was surprised. I told my friends who avoided math class.They also attended the class where our teacher taught us fundamentals to understand sums

  6. As a teacher careful observation of students behavior should be done and proper treatment in friendly manner.

  7. Yes I remember so many activities being done by me( although not like stealing or taking drugs) while friends remaining cool. I think at that time I was having inferiority complex due to pimples on face. I had a feeling that my friends r really lucky and myself with a bad luck. I always had a complain 'Oh God, why me'.

  8. I was always maintaining distance from those bad habituated friends.Parents,teachers,friends and others in the society should influence them and all should make them understand about the problematic consequences of the bad habits,due to which they may give up their bad habits.

  9. My friends did not have such type of bad habits.

  10. During my elementary schooling in class IV as tempted to buy boiled peas n Jhal muri I lied to my parents n collected ₹2 instead of ₹1 for the contribution in Teacher's Day celebration

  11. I never tried these things back then but felt very bad for my friends who did these things as they were wasting their money and career

  12. I have very discipline in my teenage, but l lost something valueble moments. So I just distrubed, but not divert to any bad habits. My friends also.

  13. I never tried these things then. But I
    felt bad for my friends who did these things as they were going on a wrong
    path by wasting their money and career.

  14. Parents,teachers,friends and others in the society should influence them and all should make them understand about the problematic consequences of the bad habits,due to which they may give up their bad habits.

  15. I have no such experience like stealing money, taking drugs and smoking.Myself always deemed to cool. But I had written a story which was also awarded and stolen by one friend. which was hurt me.

  16. Yes, these activities are quite normal. The advice given by parents,good valuable lines of spiritual books helped a lot to be goal oriented." I will be the best one without any flaws"_this thought was sufficient to be in right path.
    Above all in my view all these matters are not so serious fault, these must be marked by parents, teachers and can't b eradicated in a friendly manner.

  17. We need to understand the reason behind this type of behaviour. Scolding and beating is not a solution for this. We need to behave friendly with students. We should create a positive enviroment for the students.

  18. I always maintained distance from such type of bad habits and bad habituated friends.

  19. I always maintained distance from such type of bad habits and bad habituated friends

  20. I was being warned by my parents and teachers that if any type of juvenile delinquent accounts then my education will be hampered. Further they had given me a vivid imagination by narrating the deteriorating living conditions of some people using intoxicating things and unfair livelihood.


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