Odisha Nishtha 2.0 Module 1 Activity 5: Reflection on the Animal School Fable

What action points emerge from the fable for addressing diversity in your classroom?

Share your reflections.


  1. All the students must be treated equally irrespective of their disabilities.

    1. Students come to school from different social contexts with different hobbies,interests,passions.So,teacher must respect every one's interests and prepare lessons activities so that every students get engaged and learn.

    2. No gender bias education, no hidden message, all are equal.

    3. Each student should be allowed to take his preferable and favourite subject as optional and all the test compulsory subjects to just pass or learn only.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Give equal attention to all students

    6. All the Students should treated equally irrespective of their differences

    7. It's a little bit crazy to know about the students in a classroom but we can encourage them to participate in the discussions. If you connect the subject matter with the day to day affairs they will connect properly. The first and foremost duty is to know every student by their name. Because when they feel they are recognized they try to involve themselves with the teacher properly. Students encouragement is the key point. I applied this in the classroom and got succeed. My math class is performing good. The students are of different knowledge level but trying to involve themselves in the class. The unknown child's performance was better than the confident one. They are somewhat reluctant to do the homework. Whatever you teach in classroom they responds good. Fewer students in a classroom is good to teach and we can concentrate on every student with the same time. The potential of writing and reading is different but when we concentrate they are growing. Today I went to the classroom and watched a boy entered the room without talking any permission. I made him understand that he was wrong with an example and I find myself happy to do so. It happened because yesterday night I completed 93% of this module and I implemented the method. Otherwise I would rather be get hypered on him.

  2. We should in touch with all students equally

  3. We should teach all students with positive attitude irrespective of diversity.

  4. All students are valuable for us.

    1. Students come to school from different social category with different cultures, custom, hobbies, interests and passions. So, teacher must be respect every one's interestes and prepare lessons activities.so that every students get engaged and learn.

    2. Students come to school of different categories need to be nourished

  5. We should treat all students equally with a positive attitude.

    1. As a facilitator for learners, a teacher should pay equal attention to all the students irrespective of any differences.
      -Abanti Behera

  6. There are several ways teachers and administrators, such as principals and coaches, can ensure that both the classroom environment and curriculum are responsive to the increasing cultural diversity of our society. These strategies will encourage all students’ cultural awareness, enhancing each student’s sense of identity, and foster inclusion in the classroom community.

    1-Students Become More Empathetic
    2-Students Gain a Better Understanding of Lessons and People
    3-Students Become More Open-Minded
    4-Students Feel More Confident and Safe.
    5-Students Are Better Prepared for a Diverse Workplace / situations

    Get to Know Your Students
    Ensuring that cultural awareness is promoted in the classroom starts with the teacher understanding each individual student. Take the time to learn about each student’s cultural background, hobbies, learning styles, and what makes them unique. Demonstrating a genuine interest in learning about each student and their culture will help establish trust and allow you to form a bond with them so they feel valued. If students feel appreciated by and comfortable with the teacher, there’s a better chance they’ll feel comfortable talking with and respect their peers in the class – and communication is the core to a culturally aware and inclusive classroom.
    Maintain Consistent Communication
    Aside from getting to know your students, teachers should also continue to maintain ongoing communication throughout the semester or school year. Scheduling 1-on-1 meetings with students to “check in” every so often will allow you to consistently improve how accessible the classroom is to everyone. Students can talk about whether they felt included in the classroom culture. This can help identify issues or ways to improve the overall experience. It’s also an opportunity to discuss their progress in the class and offer guidance on how they can improve, based on their individual needs as a student.
    Acknowledge and Respect Every Student
    It’s also important for students to celebrate and respect their own diverse backgrounds, as well as each other’s. When appropriate, teachers should encourage students to research and learn about their own ethnic and cultural backgrounds. This allows them to better understand their own culture as well as the differences and nuances with their peers. As a bonus, this can be a great ice breaker assignment, allowing students to give presentations about their family traditions and culture to help expose the class to concepts outside of their own familiar comfort zone. Acknowledging these differences and creating a safe space for discussion helps promote understanding in the classroom and beyond. Also, as you encourage students to learn about their diverse backgrounds, remember to take the time to highlight what’s offensive and the distinction between cultural celebration and appropriation. Learning how to talk about other cultures in a respectful, mature way is essential for success in life outside the classroom.
    Practice Cultural Sensitivity
    While it’s important to keep an open dialogue amongst students, it’s equally as important to make sure you’re being sensitive to everyone’s culture, beliefs, and language concerns. Take the time to understand each student’s cultural nuances – from learning styles to the language they use – and use these insights to design your lesson plans. For example, provide English language learners with appropriate and relevant resources that help them improve their English comprehension skills. Rather than teach with a traditional lecture style, create learning experiences that are more interactive and require collaboration. These considerations will help ensure that every student feels included, is given the space to learn in their own way and is given a chance to succeed.

    1. After all each and every students irrespective of all diversity are equal for a teacher.

    2. All the students should treated equally. Every student have different needs and hubbies. We can't force them to get good marks in all subjects.They can do better if we give them chance to choose their own subjects and profession in which they are interested.

  7. We should treat them all equally in positive attitude.

  8. All students shouod treated as same wheather they are he or she, wheather good or bad in stydy etc. The

  9. From this story it is clear that how all fingers are different similarly all students are different and we should handle them with care.every child is special and this story is similar to the movie Tare Zamin Par and Three idiots.Every Child has hidden talent and we should flourish them out.It is the important role of teacher how to connect with each Student well irrespective of individual differences.

    1. The teacher should respect the ability of students


  11. The teacher should try to find out the inner potentially of their students. Every student must be given equal change to flourish so that the Nation may get super brains in each and every field.

  12. All students are an achievers.so we should touch all students in equal manner like they are our children.

  13. During Pandemic COVID-19 give moral courage and Psychological support to the students through online facilities.Take online classes and clear the doubts of the students.

  14. Ensure study sikshya Darpan through televisions. Online teaching organising whatsapp groups of each class. Ensure read through Madhuapp of our District administration And DEO Ganjam. Given links of YouTube classes with time and subject. Online assessment through WhatsApp. Provided sikshya Darpan free test paper supplied by odisha state Govt. Special interest of the chief minister.

  15. We should in contact with all students equally, teach them with positive attitude. All students are valuable to us. As per RPWD Act 2016, we should teach everyone with out any hesitation of the focus on univarsal desire for learning.

  16. We treat all students equally in the classroom without any discrimination

  17. Understanding the children,'s individual differences plan accordingly how could they learn their best by active learner

  18. Every problem can be solved with a positive outlook . Even in a worst situation, there is a hope and the hope is something that keeps the world alive. Even during the pandemic we conducted classes online.

  19. From this story it is clear that as like all the gingers are different in shape, size and position, all students are different and we should handle them with care. Each child has its special hidden talent and we should flourish them out. It is the important role of the teacher how to connect with each student well irrespective of individual differences.

  20. We have to find the inner potentiality of students and to treat accordingly so that every child will flourish naturally

  21. Priorities should be given to the existing talents of the students. Freedom is always necessary for every students.

  22. First off all we should try to know their strength and what they know and what they don't know through interaction and various activities. According to them we should prepare our lesson and activities. In a classroom, a teacher should focus and interact and by asking his or her problem with every child .For example suppose many students have problems in addition, subtraction of rational numbers ,then we should put and start with some easy and later little hard question and some tricky fact about LCM and HCF which also create interest among those pupils who already know something about it.

  23. Without any discrimination encouraging the learner to participate in learning process.

  24. Individual differences, instinct s and the interest of the learners should be give top most priority while imparting the instructions

  25. We should teach all students with positive attitude irrespective of diversity and without any discrimination

    1. We should in contact with all students equally, teach them with positive attitude irrespective of diversity and without any discrimination.

  26. Anasuya Maharana

    Students come to school from different social contexts with different hobbies,interests,passions.So,teacher must respect every one's interests and prepare lessons activities so that every students get engaged and learn.

  27. Large scale diversity is witnessed in the classroom. Children come from different social, economic, linguistic, cultural and educational backgrounds. There is large scale individual differences. Some have greater height while others have less height than others. Some are good at singing while others are good at dancing. Some are white some are black in colour. Some have good power of reasoning whereas others are deficient of that capability.some are able to hear perfectly while others are unable to hear .some speak well where others unable to speak. Some are good at mathematics others are good at writing poems. some are good at drawing others are good in other fields. In a nutshell the class has large diversity in the strength and weaknesses of the children. Each and every child has the right of equal opportunities and hence deserves equal attention and equal love and affection from the teachers. in a diversified classroom the teacher has a role to bring each and everyone of every background irrespective of capabilities to the same platform.he has to foster the creativity in each and every child irrespective of capabilities. he has to promote and encourage the potential ities of the children of each background without any discrimination.

  28. We should treat all the students equally irrespective of their religion, caste or creed. We shouldn't also judge them on the basis of academic performance as everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. I believe we, teachers should teach students in such a way that the lessons will be easier to understand for everyone including the academically weaker students.

  29. Students comes to school from different social categories with different ability ,interest ,hobbies.so we must be treated equally irrespective with positive attitude.

  30. We should identify the speciality of each students and accordingly take care of them

  31. First of all we should identify their qualities. Then we have to prepare them accordingly providing them with the resources we have.

  32. There must be unity in diversity. No one should be underestimated of their abilities. Everyone has a unique quality which should be identified by the mutual cooperation of teacher, student and parents and the qualities should be encouraged completely instead of comparing with others'.

  33. Motivation & interest have important role.Teacher should develop intrinsic motivation among students. Interest is an important factor to master any types of learning. Individual differences must be respected to meet the diversity of class room.

  34. We should try to find out the inner potential of the student do our best to flourish that potential.

  35. Being a teacher I can act as a facilitator and encourage the students for a group assignments. Allowing them to work together to explore their knowledge and solve problems.

  36. Irrespective of talent,capability and eagerness all are equal in the eyes of a teacher.

  37. All the students must be given equal opportunities

  38. All the students must be given equal opportunities. They must be facilitated without any discrimination so that he/she did not feel that he is inferior to others in some fields. Isn't everyone must be encouraged to develop his or her potentialities to the fullest extent.

  39. All the students must get the equal opportunity.

  40. All students must be encouraged to develop their inner potentialities.His strength and weaknesses must be addressed .

  41. We found different types of student's in our schools,so teacher shoud give attaintion to each and every student's potentialities and treat them according to their requirements.

    1. We found different types of student's in our schools so teacher shoud give attaintion to each and every student's potentialities and treat them according to their requirements

  42. Diversity is the natural phenomenon but present day world need some thing new and believe in equality .
    So steps should be taken both in mind and heart to include all in one and one in all.

  43. My self made contact with my students through mobile ,whatapp,and worksheet correction.

  44. All of our 5 fingers in one hand have different size, shape and all of them
    are unique. Similarly in our classrooms we have find varieties of diversity among students. Not all the students are same , every student has a unique potential and talent. As our curriculum is framed acoording to the needs of our society and that to be transacted in classrooms. So as a teacher it is our duty to know the diversity among the students in terms of interest, needs and potential and based on this we are performed the teaching learning activities in the classroom. So finally the teacher, the learner and the curriculum are organised in a systematic way to achieve the educational goals and objectives and overcome the diversity that arises during this contemporary situation.

  45. Makardhaj Patel ,We have to try our best for all category of student telented, low performer etc .we continue regular touch and guide them online in covid 19 situation.

  46. Sameer Nayak, TGT Arts, Dist: Jajpur, Odisha. Every student of our class has distinct feature and qualities. So everyone should be treated equal treatment

  47. We should respect the interest of all students.

  48. Though difference between the students are very common in classroom. we should be treat them equally.

  49. We should try our best to meet the needs of each and every student of our class.

  50. problem become not a problem when it was handle properly and in a scientific way. it become an opportunity.

  51. The need of every section of pupils to be addressed.

  52. The story is very intersting.We learn many good teachings from it.The teacher should try to find out the inner potentially of their students. Every student must be given equal change to flourish so that the Nation may get super brains in each and every field.

  53. Give chance to students choice his carrier and his own subject.

  54. There is individual difference in a classroom.Each and Every students have their inherent talents and potential.so they should be taught according to their need.

  55. The students of different background come to the school.They have large scale individual differences. The differ in their capabilities.the teacher has to discover the inmate potentialities of the child and give equal opportunities to all so that the child makes progress in all spheres of his life. No child should be discriminated. No one should feel that he has been neglected.

  56. Irrespective of their weaknesses and incompatibilities each and every child must be given importance we have to discover he is in net potentialities and take care of it so that he can improve his potentialities. Baccha and who is not good at mathematics may be bright in literature. A student who does not perform well in literature main main bhi very good in art drawing craft singing or dancing.we have to explore the capability of a child and encourage him to make progress in that field so that he can exhibit his talents in that field and Excel in his life.

  57. During this pandemic situation I remain in contact with my students through Phone , WhatsApp group & google meet and trying my best to teach them through virtual platform.

  58. Individual Difference is every where. Students come to school from different social category with different cultures, custom, hobbies, interests and passions. Irrespective of their weaknesses and incompatibilities each and every child must be given importance. Priorities should be given to the existing talents of the students.So, teacher must respect every one's interests and prepare lessons activities.so that every students get engaged and learn.

  59. All students are different they heve different intrest ,capability,potential we shoud plan our lesson according their needs and where all are get equal opportunity

  60. Teacher should try to know every student's strength and weakness. By knowing this teacher can teach according to student's need without humiliating any student.

  61. Equality with positive attitude is the base of any school

  62. The students who come to school possess diversified traits. Everyone has a uniquness in them. Every student has its own strength and weakness. The teacher must identify the strengths of different individuals and guide them to excel in that field. To achieve such goals the curriculum should be designed accordingly so that each student will grow as per their strengths.

  63. Every student has his/ her own background knowledge, special interest and skill too which the school should identify. Then the teacher should make them learn accordingly. At last evaluation should be continuous comprehensive and activity based including both verbal and written form.

  64. Every student has his/her own background knowledge, speciality and skill too. First the school should identify the qualities in students. Then the teacher should make them learn accordingly. At the end the evaluation should be continuous comprehensive and activity based including both verbal and written form of tests. The school should give recognition to the pace of learning of all students. In higher classes there should be provision for optional subjects.

  65. Priority should be given to students interest and creativeness. We should focus each student's ability and teach accordingly. Remember every student have their own ability.

  66. Equal treatment should be given to all category of students. Their creativity should be appreciated.

  67. Students having different interest, abilities skills come to school.A teacher should adopt such teaching method sothat all students get benefit and can enhance their capabilities.

  68. From this story it is cleared that all children are different from each other and it is the responsibility of teacher to find out their talent and encourage them .

  69. "The Animal School " is an educative and inspiring topic. It tells us about unity in diversity, inculcation of proper teaching methods as per the need of the students, finding out the inherent potentialities of the individual students and provide them with proper scope to develop to maximum extent. Menifestation of the divine perfection already existing in man - is the reflection of the topic. No imposition of any unwanted course should be loaded upon any child. Students should learn according to their own interests and abilities. Abilities of the students should always be assessed by the teachers and action plan for learning be prepared accordingly for individual students.
    Sufficient infrastructure should be developed in schools to meet the needs of the children.
    TRAIN ON THE RAILS AND BUS ON THE ROADS should be driven to reach the point of destination.

  70. All is well and All are equal. No gender biasness. Unity in Diversity should be the slogan in the education system of 21st century era. Students having different talents are most welcome and teachers should respect and respond to their abilities. In our educational garden there should be different flowers, so that our education world will be colourful.

  71. Homoginosed education is effective is up to a limit , basic activity and subjects, but the real hidden aspiration of the studebt should be psychologically assessed by the teacher and impetus should be given on counsiling the parents , as they are the first ,'gurus' ,and the student should be encouraged to take on the path, where the real intrest lies .
    As far as human beings are concerned making every body equal and effective is an utopia, so the teacher should be freed from accountability and should take up responsibility to make the student follow the right path without any political or bureaucratic hindrance.

  72. Each and every student has its own speciality, own talent. A teacher must keep this in mind and try to enhance their talent .

  73. Students come to school from various social background with different hobbies, interests, passions.
    Its the duty of a teacher to respect every one's interests and prepare lessons activities so that classrooms become a jungle of knowledge and learning

  74. To judge the inner abilty of the learner and encouraging them. Without any hesitation take care of all learner.

  75. I will try to adopt a good teaching learning process which will initiate and activate the mind of my students to learn

  76. Students come to school from different social category with different cultures, custom, hobbies, interests and passions. So, teacher must be respect every one's interestes. Teacher should try to know every student's strength and weakness. By knowing this teacher can teach according to student's need.

  77. From this interesting story we learnt that class room learning should be flexible.

  78. Students have different abilities and skills. So there should be options to choose one's own skill.

  79. Everyone should be given the opportunity to pursue their own interest to succeed in career and life

  80. We have to find the hidden talent of students and act accordingly .and treat all students in such a manner that all students gets equal attention.

  81. Students come to school from different society,community and family. So huge difference in their thoughts, liking,disliking,interest is obvious.But all must have some special quality in any field like study, sports, singing,dancing,acting etc.As a teacher we have to identify his/ her that hiddn quality and do our best to enhance that.Curricular and co curricular activities both should be given equal importance. Both should be reflected in their board certificate.

  82. The teacher should go to the level of the student ,then impart knowledge through students experiences

  83. Every student should be treated equally irrespective of their diversity. Students of different qualities are getting same type of education. One may excel in one subject than others. So, students must get the opportunity to choose their favorite subject and can study happily without pressure.

  84. A lot of diversity exists in a classroom. Students in a classroom have different family background, culture, tradition etc. So their category of interest and their way of understanding a subject is also different. So as a teacher we must approach each students as per their potentialities.

  85. Diversity in class rooms helps to assess the emotional gains of students , and to find encouraging results.

  86. Equal importance should be given to all students inside the Class room.

  87. We need to focus that students not only need to achieve on their best well known subject but also they need to know the basic concept on each subject.

  88. Students come to school from different diversities,such as different custom, different caste, different cultures different physical abilities. Each student have there own flaws as well as their special talents. We as a teacher should treat them equally irrespective of their differences and focus on their abilities and try to nourish and improve them so that they can excel in that area rather than treating them differently.

  89. All the students coming from diverse environment having diverse qualities, should be treated equally irrespective of their diversity. The Teacher should treat all students equally with a positive attitude without any discrimination.

  90. All the students should treated equally. Every student have different needs and hubbies. We can't force them to get good marks in all subjects.They can do better if we give them chance to choose their own subjects and profession in which they are interested.

  91. The method of teaching should be flexible, so that all students will be benefitted. Students interest must be given importance.

  92. Every student comes from different background having different mindset .So, as a teacher we should observe their behaviour and activities .As far individual differences is concerned every child has his/her own speciality . On the basis of this quality we should act upon it .I think, it may take some extra time still this type of attention can be more effective in this inclusive education system.

  93. Every students have their unique potential and own pace of growth. A teacher's primary objective should be to identify the student's strengths and weaknesses, and to work over it to make the students confident about study and life. Importantly, a teacher must realize that every students should be treated equally and provided equal scope to grow as an individual.

  94. Like fingers in our hand, every student in the class is unique ,because of differences in their hobbies, interests , community, passion and culture. So teacher should give equal importance to every child and pay equal attention to all the students so that they will feel that they are also integral part of the class and will bloosom naturally in the God's garden.

  95. All the students must be treated in an equitable manner irrespective of disabilities, socio economic background etc.


  97. Every students should be treated equal and it is our utmost priority to take all students unitely to achieve success.

  98. The fable gives an excellent representation of the types of diversities that exist in a classroom.

    The action points that emerge for me from the fable are:
    1. Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the students in my classroom.
    2. Highlighting the strengths of a students and helping them hone their skills even more
    3. Through past achievements motivate students to attain the skills that they're weak at.

    Through these action points the learning experience of every student can be enriched and truly the diversity of a classroom can be adressed and the students can learn.

  99. All the students should be treated equally.

  100. Students should be given equal emphasis and opportunity to express their inner qualities and excel in their particulars.
    Strength and weakness should be able to be distinguished .

  101. All the students those who come to school should be given equal treatment

  102. As we have variety of students who belong to diverse place,age group,caste,society we should try to deal with each and every students according to their point of view,their mentality as well as our personal point of view to bring the best out of each of them.
    All over we should follow the `` EQUALITY IN DIVERSITY " principle.

  103. I learn how to handle different type of pupils in class room. It's very useful for teacher

  104. We should understand the ability, necessities and mentality of every learner and frame our teaching learning activities accordingly. We should guide them to learn in their own way and pace.Examination should be
    flexible.Evaluation should be based on learner's overal performance rather than on pass marks of individual subjects.

  105. Diversity is a biological character. So I will lookafer the students in different ways for their better understanding applying deferent methods.

  106. Everyone should get a chance to choose what to pursue for their carrier. Should be given chance to identify their inner qualities.

  107. Each &every student is valuable in their own way, we are unknown to the social or financial background gheh come from so we should focus on how to push them towards their intrest, empower them.


    To manage diversity in classroom we should focus on following points.
    1. Get to know your students properly as their strengths and weaknesses.
    2. Maintain consistent communication among the students.
    3. Acknowledge and respect every student opinions.
    4. Practice cultural sensitivity.
    5. Incorporate diversity in the lesson plan.
    6. Give students freedom and flexibility.

  109. Children of different hobbies interest out proficiency comes to school. The teachers should takes steps to teach them in such a way that will help to enhance the quality they have. The teacher should not compel them not to do any activity in which they have no interest.

  110. Inclusive systems provide a better quality education for all children and are instrumental in changing discriminatory attitudes. Schools provide the context for a child's first relationship with the world outside their families, enabling the development of social relationships and interactions.

  111. We should encourage students to participate in online mode of teaching ...all students are equal ..

  112. Everyone deserves equal chances including Divyangs

    But we also need to identify their skills on individual level, and try to focus on those areas where they can excel and make our nation proud.

    Everyone must be treated equally, but each one is unique and need to be dealt differently.. if that's not possible, we can identify those are different, and invest extra time they might need to understand certain concepts and help them grow.

    Ansuman Giri

  113. We treat all students equally in the classroom without any discrimination.Each and every student has its own speciality, own talent. A teacher must keep this in mind and try to enhance their talent with their diversity

  114. We give equal importance both differently abled and normal children.sometimes disable children need more emphasis.As a teacher we try to consider their cases and proceed accordingly.

  115. All the students should be treated equally irrespective of their disabilities or any type of diversities.

  116. As a teacher keep in mind and studies the different diversities of the students and proceed further.

  117. We should try our best to meet the needs of each and every student

  118. We Should Try To Know Their Strength And What They Know And What They Don't Know Through Interaction And Various Activities. According To Them We Should Prepare Our Lesson And Activities. In A Classroom, A Teacher Should Focus And Interact And By Asking His Or Her Problem With Every Child .For Example Suppose Many Students Have Problems In Addition, Subtraction Of Rational Numbers, Then We Should Put And Start With Some Easy And Later Little Hard Question And Some Tricky Fact About LCM And HCF Which Also Create Interest Among Those Pupils Who Already Know Something About It. We Should Treat All The Students Equally Irrespective Of Their Religion, Caste Or Creed. We Shouldn't Also Judge Them On The Basis Of Academic Performance As Everyone Has Their Own Strengths And Weaknesses. I Believe We, Teachers Should Teach Students In Such A Way That The Lessons Will Be Easier To Understand For Everyone Including The Academically Weaker Students

  119. Individual difference of the students should be met out with great responsibility and accountability.

  120. It is necessary to developed positive attitude among the students.

  121. Weaker students of the class room should be more emphasized to understand the topic and quick receivers should be encouraged to achieve more.

  122. All students are not same. The teacher should be aware of different abilities of the students. There should be special workshop in school to find out strengths and weaknesses of students. Teachers should discuss about it and create an environment where all can flourish.

  123. As a teacher he or she must treated every students equally.

  124. It is very important to equal opportunity to all the students.

  125. Every student need equal opportunity.

  126. First of all, all students should be treated equally irrespective of their cast and religion. However, Importance to students may differ as per their ability. For example, if a student is weak jn studies,then extra efforts should be given to improve their studies.

    Teachers should help students develop a realistic plan to achieve their goal or dream.

  127. all student are equal and we will give equal effort to all students

  128. Teachers should not hurt the sentiments of students

  129. We should be aware of different abilities of different students. We need to take care of them properly.

  130. We need to understand them properly.

  131. First of all we have to understand every child.

  132. All the students of a class do not have equal talent

  133. Students come to school from various social and economical back grounds .They have prior experience and knowledge according to their background. They're to given education regardless of their diversities.No gender bias, no other discrimination should be there, they are students, they need equal rights and freedoms with parental guidance and care.

  134. Diversity is a constant when different groups of people are concerned, students are no exception. Thus as educators it is our responsibility to treat each one of them equally. Because they're our future and they deserve it. Needless to mention some children are going to be different from others at reading, comprehension, communication and gender. It is our prerogative to make sure no such biased based on these factors are upheld. To improve communication we should set up the classroom and the atmosphere in such a way, where every child introvert or extrovert is interested to share and participate. With the help of these modules, i intend to relay these morals through example.

  135. First we understand them properly and solve their week points.

  136. Point out their weekness
    Then teach according to them

  137. We should understand the student properly. And point out their doubts and solve it.

  138. Education should be shame for all students. Education is for all

  139. Students come to school from different social category with different cultures, custom, hobbies, interests and passions. So, teacher must be respect every one's interestes and prepare lessons activities.so that every students get engaged and learn.

  140. All students should be treated differently.

  141. Students should be engaged according to their ability.

  142. Student from every social background come to the school, so, teacher must not create discrimination among them. They should be given equal attention from the teacher instead of their differences.

  143. Every child should be treated with its special character and it's need

  144. Every child should be treated with its unique characteristics....and be given feedback towards their weakness

  145. All students are equal for the teaching system in every state .So the ability of the students can not be affected by the external caste or class system in society


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